I am changing the name of my blog. I don't want people to get scared away by mentioning God. My topic is more about parenting than about God anyway. I just happen to believe that parenting (and life, in general) is much easier to manage with help from a Higher Power. I choose to call my Higher Power God. That's all.
A friend contacted me about somebody she knows who is a single mother and needs help. She asked if she could give her my number because she thinks I could help her. She also said I am a real power of example. Imagine that!
I do not see myself in that light but if I could help someone, I will do all I can to try, if they at least meet me halfway. I still pray for patience every day. Unfortunately, I don't have much patience for people who refuse to do anything to help themselves. I allow myself ten minutes of self-pity a day. That's it. Then I buck up and get to work! Because after those ten minutes are up, I can't even stand to be around myself! LOL.
This week I have another job interview for another part time job. I am planning my class schedule around both jobs. I am sure I will get this job -- it is for a school crossing guard. When and/or if I go back to school full time I can work at the college then. I am trying to slowly work myself into a full time student/part time work situation.
I didn't even choose a topic this time but I just want to say that if you are unemployed, look at it as a signal from God that it is time to try something new. Register for school or start an at home business. Try a new field. Spend more time with your kids. But whatever you do, accentuate the positive and don't dwell on the negative!
I have also been checking out other parenting blogs and have to say I have not found one quite like mine. That is, that addresses the issues of single parenting by focusing on the POSITIVE aspects of it. Because there are plenty!
1. We don't need to confer with someone else regarding rules for our children. We make the rules!
2. Our children don't witness two people who are no good together arguing and fighting all the time. If you are divorced and/or your ex is still involved, please don't make a liar out of me! Work it out for your children's sake, in regards to your children, I mean.
3. We have a special bond with our kids that I don't think (married) couples can appreciate the same way. Since we have no one else to depend on to help us with our children, we are, out of necessity, excellent communicators to/with our children. In this way, our children are privy to information others would share with a spouse. The single parent/child relationship is unique in this way. For example, my 10 year old knows all important phone numbers, which keys go to which lock, when Mom's at work and/or school, what our monthly bills are, when important dates are, how to use the microwave and make simple meals, etc.
4. As far as that goes, our children learn to rely on themselves a lot quicker than their peers. Some think this is a negative. I don't think it is. I am not talking about exposing them to adult problems and/or situations, I'm talking about teaching them to be responsible for themselves. There is a big difference between the two.
5. My son is learning that jobs are neither "male" or "female" jobs. Jobs are just jobs that have to be done. Period. Mom cooks and cleans and mows the lawn. Mom pitches him a softball and she taught him how to ride a bike. Mom brings home the bacon and fries it up in the pan. There is no gender bias in a boy that has been raised by a single mother!
6. My 10 year old is probably a little more sensitive because of this too, than other boys his age. This is most definitely part of his overall personality but it also has to do with me teaching him how to solve problems with empathy and talking about them rather than being physical and retaliating in anger. Of course, I think that is what children should be taught by both women AND men, anyway, but I know not everyone agrees with this.
Now readers, I ask you this question, what do you think is a benefit of being a single parent, if you are a single parent? If you are not a single parent and have children, what do you think is a negative of being a single parent? If you choose to comment on a negative aspect, however, please provide valuable solutions in your comments, as well. I look forward to your comments!
Hi Connies, this is Traci S Campbell from the single parents group at Facebook. I wanted to compliment your blog - very nice - and invite you to join us at my blog / single parent radio show - all info is found here Single Parent Family Advocate - I look forward to our learning and sharing with one another. Blessings!